Why Do I Need A Leader?

I typically do not mind mazes, tight spaces, or fun houses. I can usually calm myself down and slowly find my way out. Not this time. I was at a butterfly museum with my two children, and they led me into a mirror maze. It had dark black walls, dark carpeting, mirrors, and fake greenery all around. I was slowly making my way through the maze when I realized I had gotten turned around. I could hear my children, but I could not see them. I would walk towards what I thought was the next turn and I would run into a mirror. I would then turn around and see a wall that I thought led me out and it would be another mirror. I would see my children in the mirror and could hear them so I would walk towards them, and it was another mirror. I began to panic. How was I going to get out? I finally called out to my children to come help me. They had already found the exit and was back in the maze. I needed to hold on to them as they led me out of that dreadful maze. In my mind, I thought this was a true sign on my age. I’m beginning to rely on my kids. That’s a scary thought!

As I read Psalm 5:8, I realized I have always needed to be led even though I like being the leader. I like to go at my own pace and to make decisions on my own. I like to envision how a project will turn out and seeing it happen that way. I may like to be in control and be my own leader but the truth of it is, I need a leader. I need God to lead me.

“Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies—make straight your way before me.” Psalm 5:8

“I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16

In Psalms and Isaiah, there is mention of enemies, darkness, crooked paths, and unknown ways. Does this sound familiar? Do you run into any of this on your normal days? I do. Some days seem to be just like that dark mirror maze. I am surrounded by the unknown, there are no straight paths, everything looks familiar but deceives me, I try to do it on my own, and I end up having to call for help.

Jesus leads us down paths of righteousness that are unknown to us here on earth. These paths are the paths that bring us peace, joy, stability, and truth. The world’s paths bring confusion, anxiety, lies, and inconsistency. We see the world and its ways all around us, but Jesus brings light to the darkness and helps us to see His ways. He takes our crooked paths that seem unmanageable and makes them straight so that we can walk them with confidence and precision.

The best thing about Jesus leading us, is the truth that we will never be alone. He says that He will never forsake us. Leaders come and go. Our moods and decisions change. How we handle situations depends on the day that led us to that point. But the one thing that is constant is how God leads us. He leads with wisdom, compassion, love, truth, and perfection. He is our protector and provider. He knows our entire story and leads us down the path that is best for us. He loves us unconditionally and will never abandon us. This is who our leader is. May we have hope in the fact that we are not alone but are led by God in righteousness.

Digging Deeper:

Where in your life do you need a leader?

How do you see God leading you today?

What do you need to give to God so that He can be your leader?

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Gretchen Leech