Am I Good Enough?


“What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention.” Job 7:17

Do you ever wonder why God loves you so much? You fall short way too many times. Sometimes you try to hide from God, you don’t always trust Him, and by all means you don’t give everything to Him. We can look at any aspect of who we are and be disappointed. We knit pick ourselves until there is nothing else to pick at. When will we be enough?

In Job 7:17, Job is lamenting God’s concern for humanity since his circumstances are crushing him. He feels like he can’t measure up to the world and it is slowly crushing his spirit. What makes you feel that way? Job is referring to Psalm 8 where the psalmist says, “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” It was a marvel then that the Majestic God involved Himself with humanity and it is still a marvel to us today.

Job was a good man, had lived a blameless life, and yet his life was not easy; in fact his life had become downright miserable. He was beginning to doubt why he had lived the way he had lived. What good did it bring him? Because his life had turned out so bad, he was beginning to wonder if God really cared for him. The devil can use our suffering to put these doubts and questions in our heads. Our sin does not cause our suffering, but we must be careful that our suffering does not cause our sin.

We become just like Job when we allow the heaviness of the world to fall upon us like a dense fog. The world gets hard and judgmental and we immediately fall into the trap of regret, shame, and disappointment. When we are displeased with ourselves and our circumstances, we think everyone is displeased with us. If others do not love us, then there is no way God can love us. That is when the loneliness sets in. What does it take for us to fully understand that we are not alone and that our Creator loves us unconditionally? We are truly enough.

Isaiah 43:7 tells us that God created mankind for His glory. The person you are and the actions you take were made to glorify God. God did not need mankind, yet He chose to create us in His image.

God did not create you and then leave you to survive on your own. He cares about you day in and day out. Your life is significant because of this truth. Therefore, you should do everything for the glory of God. Author Wayne Grudem asks the question, “If we are truly important to God for all eternity, then what greater measure of importance or significance could we want?” Ask yourself that question today. Your life is not measured by the world and your circumstances, your life is measured by the glory you give to your Father and Creator.

God’s salvation is greater than what the world gives us. Remember, my friend, He chose you. Don’t think for a minute that your name did not cross His mind when He died on the cross. He died on the cross for you. He knew your many failures and still chose to die for you. When we look at who God is and wonder why He loves us, we need to take the “me” out of the equation and only have “Jesus Christ” in it. He is the only One that matters. Stop looking at your past and look at your future as to how you can give it fully to Him and not drift away from His instruction.

God seeks you, desires you, and forgives you. His mercies are new each day and His grace is enough to cover you. You are wanted by Him and He loves you more than you can imagine.

Heavenly Father, forgive me. I have put what the world says I should be over what You say is true of me. You created me in Your perfect image. Help me to always remember Your precious love for me, all of me. Help me to focus on You and glorify you in all I do. Thank You for loving me despite my downfalls. Amen.

Digging Deeper:

Write down at least 3 reasons God loves you.

What negative thoughts about yourself is God asking you to let go of?

How can you glorify God through your actions?

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