Faith Grounds You


The Lord showed Joseph favor and kindness because of his faith!

Last week we looked at the beginning of Joseph’s long journey. We saw his years of suffering, loss, and despair. There were obviously moments in these years when Joseph questioned what was going on in his life. Why was he having to endure all this hardship? How will he get out of this circumstance alive? Will he ever be a free man again? Will he never get married and have children of his own? Will he ever see his father again? I can only imagine the questions that ran through his mind. But as we read Genesis 39 and 40 we see that Joseph kept his faith in the One in control. He never turned his back on God because of his life circumstances. Let’s look and see how this is evident.

How do you question God’s authority through your circumstances? Do you ever turn your back on God?

Genesis 39:2-6 shows us the kindness God gave to Joseph because of Joseph’s faith and determination. It says the Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered. Potiphar saw there was something different in Joseph. He did not quite know what it was because Potiphar did not know Joseph’s God personally, but he knew there was something remarkably trustworthy, honorable, and righteous about this slave. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his entire household and entrusted to him to everything he owned. Let’s think about this for a minute. This was a huge deal. Most male slaves worked in the fields, but Joseph was seen as having household management abilities. Most male slaves would have not even been looked at twice, they would have just been thrown out to fields to do manual labor. But through God’s sovereignty, Joseph stood out as more than manual labor. Potiphar’s entire household and fields were blessed because the Lord was with Joseph. Verse 6 says that Joseph took care of and was in charge of everything in Potiphar’s house, Potiphar only had to worry about eating.

Even in prison, Joseph was seen as different. Genesis 39:20-23 tells us the Lord was with him in prison. Joseph was noticed by the prison warden and was put in charge of all the other prisoners. Joseph was put in authority, and the prison warden did not worry about anything under Joseph’s care. The Lord provided success for everything Joseph did.

In Genesis 39, the phrase “The Lord was with Joseph” is repeated four times (vs. 2, 3, 21, and 23). This repetition reinforces the fact that Joseph kept his faith in God and God responded by providing him protection, privilege, and comfort. Because of Joseph’s positions in Potiphar's house and in prison, he more than likely got special privileges such as better housing, better meals, privacy from the other slaves and prisoners, and maybe even better clothing. Because of Joseph’s faith, God made Joseph’s horrible circumstances as easy as possible on him. But God was also providing learning experiences for Joseph so he would be ready for what was to come.

As you go through difficult circumstances, what makes your faith waver?

How has God blessed you through your circumstances?

What can you do to keep your faith strong as you go through daily struggles?

Genesis 40 opens with, “Some time later.” We do not know exactly how many years Joseph was in Potiphar’s house or how many years he was imprisoned but it is thought that Joseph served in Potiphar’s house for 11 years and was imprisoned for 2 years. As Joseph was in prison, he spoke with and helped many prisoners. One day Joseph encountered the cupbearer and the baker to the king of Egypt. Somehow these two men offended the king and were thrown in prison to await their trial. I would love to know what these two men did to be thrown in prison. I wonder if it had something to do with the meal since it was the wine taster and the baker involved. Was there an attempt to poison the wine or food, was a bad meal served? Anyway, my wondering mind is getting off track. Fun to think about though. The cupbearer and the baker both had dreams. Genesis 40:6 tells us Joseph went in to attend to these men and saw they were downcast. Now, how much more downcast can a man be when they are in prison? This shows to us how in tune Joseph became to other people. He cared about their feelings enough to notice these men were dejected. He asked them, “Why do you look so sad today?” They told him they had these dreams that they did not understand, and I love Joseph’s response. He says, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.” Joseph is giving all the glory to God. Joseph knows God gave him a gift and he is not taking the credit for himself but giving the respect that God deserves to Him. Joseph interprets the men’s dreams and tells the cupbearer that he will live but the baker will be hung within three days. Can you imagine how hard that would be to tell a man that? In three days these men’s dreams came true.

Before the cupbearer was free from prison, Joseph asked him to remember him and his interpretation of the dream when he gets back to the king. Joseph was searching for a way out of prison. He thought maybe the Pharaoh would find him useful in his household and would let him out of prison. Verse 23 tells us that the cupbearer did not remember Joseph. The chapter ends with a bleak outlook, but we know that Joseph is in God’s care. Genesis 39:2 says that the Lord prospered everything Joseph did. This gives us hope as we end chapter 40. God is with us through our circumstances and as we keep our focus on Him; He provides our every need and works through our circumstances. Joseph could not see an end to his horrible circumstances, but he trusted God regardless. Joseph’s trust in God and faith was born and developed in his slavery and imprisonment. We see that he learned to be a hardworking steward and how to be sympathetic to others who are hurting. It was hard to see at the time, but his years in slavery and prison were not wasted. God was preparing Joseph through his hard trials for greater things. Think back to the 17 year-old boy who was sheltered as his father’s favorite child. This boy was self-centered, weak, and prideful. He has learned a lot in these years of difficulty. God has a plan even if we don’t know what it is. God’s sovereign ways are always working for our good. What does it mean exactly that God is sovereign? It is the attribute of God that tells us He is in control of all things. Bible Study Fellowship puts it this way, “There is nothing that is outside of God’s wise control, even the exact time and place for each person to live. No one tells God what to do. What God plans, happens. No event, no natural disaster, no person, not even Satan, can stop God’s plans. When God permits evil, we can trust He has planned to use it for His people’s good and His glory. God planned the time for His Son to come the first time and a time for His Son to return. God will accomplish His plan because He alone has power to do it.” God is always with us in our good times and our suffering. Rest peacefully in the truth of God’s sovereignty. If we fully believe God is who He is then there should be no room for doubting.

How can you see God developing you through your circumstances?

What do you need to surrender to God so that you can learn through your circumstances?