God Has A Purpose For Everyone


“Those who cleanse themselves of the latter (things for common use) will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy 2:21

It was 1947. WWII had just ended when Jim was born into the world. He grew up on a farm with his parents and two older siblings. He was like any other little boy; he loved going out in the woods with his 22-caliber rifle, playing with army men, and cowboys and Indians. He saw his dad and his friends, all WWII veterans, and wanted to be just like them. These men personified what Jim thought a man was supposed to be—they protected their country and family.

After graduating high school, Jim joined the Marines. He was sent to San Diego for boot camp and then was sent to Vietnam in 1968.

Jim grew up in a Christian home. He went to church with his family but was never close to God. The pastor was always trying to get Jim to be baptized and join the church, but his answer was always “no.” Two weeks before Jim was to go to boot camp, his pastor drove to his house to ask him again to be baptized. Jim saw his pastor driving down his road towards his house, he knew why he was coming, so Jim told his mom that he was going into the woods and to tell the pastor he was not home. Jim grabbed his 22 rifle and headed toward the woods. Indeed, that is what his pastor was doing, and yet again, Jim said “no” to God. God was seeking Jim his whole life. He was being invited to join God’s Kingdom, but Jim was not accepting the invitation.

Jim was young and naive; he did not think he needed God in his life. He was invincible and could handle life on his own.

In basic training, each man was given orders for their war assignments. Jim was told that his orders were infantry. Jim had heard the stories of men in WWII who served in infantry. He knew that his odds of coming home from the war were slim to none. That is the only time Jim feared dying. He knew then that death could come his way and he still did not reach out to God. He still felt like he did not need God’s saving grace.

Two weeks passed and Jim got word that there had been a mistake in his orders. He had not been assigned infantry; he had been assigned diesel mechanic. Each order had a numerical code. The code for infantry was 0300 and and the code for diesel mechanic was 1300. The man who gave Jim his orders misread the numbers. There was a world of difference between these two orders. As a diesel mechanic, Jim never had to leave the base and the chances of Jim even needing to pick up his weapon to defend himself were rare. What a blessing that was for Jim that he did not even recognize. God was in control of Jim’s life whether he wanted it or not.

Even though Jim was issued to stay on base and serve as a diesel mechanic, he was still in a war. He was promoted to sergeant which granted him access to the Sergeant’s Club. All his fellow sergeant friends went to the Sergeant’s Club one night, but Jim decided to go to the movie house with one of his friends that did not make sergeant. That night while Jim was watching a movie with his friend, the Sergeant’s Club got destroyed by rockets. Some of his friends got killed that night and others got badly wounded.

Another night, Jim was walking from the movie house with some friends. One of the friends was lagging behind them and the next thing they knew, he was shot by mortar and killed. If Jim had been 10 feet behind with that friend, he would have been killed also.

Why was God protecting Jim when he was denying His Protector? He knew who God was, but he never relied on Him. He knew what it meant to be a Christian, yet it was never important to him. What purpose did God have for Jim?

Jim says that the only time he prayed was for God to bring him a wife when he got home. He was fulfilling what he thought a man should be. He was protecting his country and he wanted to go home to protect his family and provide for them. So, the next step was to find a wife. He missed the part where the man’s role was to be the Christian leader of the home as well as protector and provider.

Jim came home from Vietnam in 1969 and met his wife, my mother, in 1970. My parents were married within two months. They had been married for three years before they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. While my dad was at work one night, my mom went to a church revival. She fell in love with Jesus that night and brought Him home to my dad. Not only did God take hold of them that night, but they also grabbed onto Him and never let go.

Jesus then revealed the purpose for my dad’s life, to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to glorify Him every step of the way. Not only did Jesus use my dad to instill in his three daughters the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ, but He also gave him understanding and wisdom of the Bible to teach us all about God’s Word. God blessed my dad with the gift of teaching and He has used my dad’s gift in many aspects through his life. My dad was a school teacher and has shared Christ with children he has taught, he has taught Sunday school at his church for decades, been a youth leader, and served in almost every leadership role in his church. My parents have served God together for 51 years and they are role models not only to me but to everyone they meet.

God knew the Kingdom work my dad was going to do for him. It took my dad a long time to realize how much he needed Jesus in his life, but God never gave up on him.

“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some are for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy 2: 20-21

When we realize we are not common and we fully surrender to God’s will in our lives, then finally God’s purpose for us is revealed. We all have special purposes that are useful to God. We are made holy, which means we are set apart to God. Are you willing to be useful to the Master? Are you prepared to do good works for God and His Kingdom? That is your purpose in creation. We are to glorify God in all we do. Grab onto Him and buckle up for the thrilling roller coaster ride He has for you!

Digging Deeper:

Read 1 Peter 2:9, Colossians 1:16 and Jeremiah 29:11.

What do you feel your purpose in life is?

How is God asking you to live out your purpose?

What can you do when you feel insignificant?

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