God Spoils His Children

Do you ever feel spoiled by God?

If your answer is yes, you will love this devotion as you think back to all the ways God spoils you. If you read that question and can not for the life of you see how God spoils you, this devotion will bring you great joy as you realize the goodness of God.

I was on a spiritual high. You know those days when everything is going right. God had answered my prayer, I felt extra close to Him, I felt blessed in my daily life, everyone in my family was getting along, and my Kroger card saved me $32 when I went to buy groceries. I was walking and listening to a podcast when the man speaking said he felt spoiled by God. As he said those words, I realized I felt spoiled by God as well, but I felt like I could not say it out loud. I felt like it was a form of bragging or maybe I didn’t want to jinx it.

I began to think deeper about how God spoils His children and thought about two categories.

  1. How does God spoil His children?

  2. This spoiling is worth bragging about!

I can name many ways God spoils me such as blessing me with a husband and children that love Him as much as I do, putting a roof over our heads, giving me talents that I enjoy and that benefit His Kingdom, aligning certain people in my life that help me in my daily walk, throwing little encouraging nuggets into my day that keep me persevering when life gets hard, and knowing me on an intimate level so that He knows exactly what I need before I even do. I could go on and on about the ways I see God spoiling me, but the one thing that stands above everything else is His grace.

Jesus came to earth for many reasons, but His sole purpose was to be the one and only sacrificial lamb that would save the world from their sins. In the core of my days as God is spoiling me, I am sinning. If I sit and ponder that, I can become overwhelmed with emotion. I am continually sinning, and He is continually spoiling me, loving me, forgiving me, and gently bringing me to Him.

I think about a relationship that has turned sour. Usually, it is because one person in the relationship is doing all the work and the other person is taking full advantage of their work, compassion, or love. Please tell me you know what I’m talking about. Where you give up on a relationship because it is exhausting. You are giving with all your might and the other person is taking faster than you can give. God is never tired of giving. Time after time we commit the same sin, and each time God forgives us. His grace is beyond our understanding and His spoiling is beyond our comprehension.

Now if that’s not something to brag about and share with the world, I don’t know what is. I joke all the time and say my husband spoils me, which he truly does. But, if I can be proud of that and tell the world this information, which does not benefit the world in any way, surely I can tell everyone how Jesus spoils me so that they can reap the benefits of His love as well. God’s love is to be shared and He has enough for everyone. The Lord removed His hand of judgement and came to live with us. He blessed us with the gift of the Holy Spirit and His true blessings come when we allow Him to dwell with us. We invite Him into our lives when we faithfully follow Him, obey Him, and put Him first before everything else. That is when we see Him rejoicing over us and when true happiness comes into our lives.

I ask this almost every week, but I am begging you to write in the comments below how God spoils you. Let’s brag on Him this week. I want us to show our Jesus pride!

Digging Deeper:

Read Zephaniah 3:14-17 and soak in the goodness of God.

How do you miss out on recognizing God spoiling you because you are too distracted by the world?

What do you need to thank God for today? Thank Him for the ways He spoils you.

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