Intentionality In Anticipating Jesus

As I prepare for Christmas, there is one word that keeps coming to my mind—intentional.

The holiday season can be overwhelming, exhausting, non-stop, and we can sometimes feel like we’re drowning. I don’t want to feel that way this Christmas season. I want to slow down and enjoy the season. I want to see my children soak up the magic of the season, the anticipation of what is coming, and the understanding of Jesus’ birth. I want to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made in coming to earth and living His first day in a manger filled with filth, dirty animals, and sleeping on soiled cloth. I want to focus on what was gifted to me through the birth of Jesus.

Every Christmas, I can’t help but think about what Mary had to go through as she carried and prepared for the birth of Jesus. Her anticipation had to be almost too much to bear at some times. Luke 1 tells the story of when Mary first got the news that she was pregnant with her Lord. The angel Gabriel appeared to her with great news and her initial reaction was fear and worry. She wondered what this news could be and why she was chosen to hear this news. Then as the news settled in her mind, the questions came. Could she trust her God that was revealing this news to her and that chose her for the task? How could she be pregnant and be a virgin? What would Joseph think? What would her parents think? Would they all be disappointed in her? Would they believe her? Could she stand strong against the public questioning? Her mind was filled with thoughts.

What was the first thing Mary did? She listened to Gabriel and ran to her relative, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who was considered barren, was now pregnant. What exciting news! Mary had a companion. She had another miracle that would help her through her own. She was intentional with how she anticipated the birth of her Lord. She saw how God was helping her and preparing her and she trusted Him.

Throughout the Christmas season we can run into hard times. We can have financial strain as we buy presents. We can have family arguments as we plan the days to get together. Sicknesses are everywhere this time of year. We can try to dodge these illnesses but sometimes they hit us during the worst times. We must pick and choose which parties we have time to attend and wear ourselves out trying to attend everything we can. It can all overwhelm us and fill our lives with meaningless busyness.

Mary had her fair share of hard times as she anticipated Jesus’ arrival. She saw how Joseph struggled to adjust to these new circumstances. She watched her body grow as Jesus grew in her belly. She thought she wasn’t ready for this, but God knew she was. She heard the whispers and comments made behind her back from the townspeople. And she finally endured a long donkey ride all the way to Bethlehem during the eighth month of her pregnancy. But, her intentional three month stay with Elizabeth early in her pregnancy encouraged her to trust God with her life. She saw the special ways God loves His people. She saw how this opportunity given to her by God to carry His Son was a unique invitation that should not be taken lightly. She intentionally prepared for the coming Messiah.

How are you intentionally preparing for Jesus’ birth this season? The turmoil Mary went through was far more than we could imagine. Yet, she persevered and endured the world so that she could glorify God and answer the call on her life.

We usually make intentional plans at the New Year but why start then? I need to start today being intentional with focusing on Jesus and taking emphasis off the world. What is truly important to you this Christmas season? Ponder on that question and be intentional as you focus on what is important to you.

Digging Deeper:

Read Luke 1:1-56

How do you feel God urging you to be intentional this Christmas season?

How do you see God helping you put Him first in such a busy time?

Mary trusted God even through difficult circumstances. What are you trusting God with?

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