The Attributes of Jesus: Omnipotence
The first attribute we will look at this Christmas season is Jesus’ omnipotence. The fact that His power was inconceivable stood out to the Jews and Gentiles alike very early in His ministry. Omnipotent means to have unlimited power (omni=all; potent=powerful). Jesus can do anything He desires without any effort on His part. He could perform miracles with speaking one word, having a single thought, or the gentlest touch. There was never a dramatic scene of Jesus displaying His power, it was always displayed and acted out with ease and confidence.
When Jesus calmed the storm (Matthew 8:26-27), multiplied the loaves of fish (Matthew 14:19), changed the water into wine (John 2:1-11), healed many people and raised others from the dead (Matthew 9); His power was unexplainable to some. The Pharisees said He was blasphemous and called Him the prince of demons. They could not figure out how a man possessed such power. Was He performing tricks that they could not figure out?
Jesus’ Authority and Power —
Power over disease when He cleansed a leper (Matthew 8:1-4), restored a centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:5-13), healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15), healed a paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8).
Power over nature when He calmed a storm (Matthew 8:23-27).
Power over Satan’s control when He cast out demons (Matthew 8:28-34.
Power over death when He raised Jairus’ daughter (Matthew 9:18-26) and raised Lazarus (John 11:38-44).
Power over disorders when He healed a paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8), restored sight to the blind (Matthew 9:27-31), restored speech to the mute (Matthew 9:32-34), and healed a bleeding woman (Matthew 9:18-26).
These miracles were great and mighty and mind-blowing, but there is one thing I want you to notice as you read these passages of miracles. When these individuals approached Jesus needing to be healed or a miracle to be performed, they said “If it is Your will.” Jesus had the power to do anything He wanted, but if it was not the will of God, then it would not be done. That is hard to understand sometimes. Why are some things the will of God and not others? That is a question that we will not understand the answer to until we are complete and in the presence of Jesus Himself. We can have peace in the fact that God works for the good of all His people. In John 5:17, Jesus tells the Jews, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” Jesus’ power is evident in our good times and our bad times. He’s working and is powerful regardless of your seeing it or not. His power is all around us and no-one can escape it.
Jesus demonstrated His power, but He did not do it for the fame and for people to only follow His miracles. On numerous occasions (Matthew 8:4, 9:30) Jesus told those He healed not to go and tell others about what He had done. Why would He not want these miracles shared with the world? He wanted people to choose to follow Him for the fact that He is the Messiah, not because He is the Great Physician and a Miracle Worker. Jesus wants your heart to celebrate Him because He is the Son of God, God in the flesh.
Jesus is omnipotent, all-powerful, The Waymaker, The Ultimate Healer, The Great Physician, and Your Provider. Know that this Christmas and beyond. His power is the same today and it is never changing. Look for His power throughout your life, it is evident, and He wants you to see it and appreciate His love for you demonstrated through His mighty power.
I want to end you with a few verses from the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus had gone to Lazarus’ tomb and He asked for the stone that was closing the tomb to be rolled away. Martha, Lazarus’ sister said, “But, Lord…by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” Martha thought it was too late, her brother had already been dead four days. It was too late for a miracle. Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” My friends, we have to believe with all our heart that Jesus is powerful and He can and does perform miracles today. Do we believe in who Jesus was, is, and is to come?
Digging Deeper:
Where is your heart this Christmas season? This is a question we will ask ourselves each week.
How is Jesus’ attribute of omnipotence special to you?
Are you able to see God’s power in your life? Think of a time when God displayed His power to you personally.
If you are waiting to see evidence of God’s power this Christmas season, what is God asking you to do as you patiently wait His perfect timing?