Morning Of Renewal

Sunrise has always been a special time for me. As I take my morning walk I feel the cool crisp air, I hear the birds chirping, I see the flowers opening to the morning sun, and my mind goes to God’s goodness. He is the creator of all things (Genesis 1:1, 27). He makes the sun set each evening and rise each morning. He brings life-giving breath to all the animals and humans. He gives the plants the sunlight and the water they need to survive. As I walk and think about the small details that concern God, I can’t help but think that He cares about me as well.

For there is a moment in his anger; there is a lifetime in his favor. Weeping lodges in the evening but in the morning comes rejoicing. Psalm 30:5

As I walk, I sing to myself, “Joy comes in the morning!” I think about all the things that happened the day before. Perhaps on that particular day I did not speak kindly to my children, or I was not intentional with my prayers and quiet time, or I did not keep a promise to my spouse, or I fell into a pit of sin I said I was going to try to stay out of. No matter what happened the day before, today is a new day.

This verse starts with saying God’s anger is only a fleeting moment. When my anger or disappointment sticks around for days and days, God’s does not. For only small moments do we forsake God, instead we gather great mercies from Him for a lifetime (Isaiah 54:7). God’s favor lasts a lifetime, it is permanent. His anger is short-lived, and His favor is forever. What a relief it is to know He is not a grudge-holder. He loves us unconditionally and each morning is new with grace and forgiveness.

Just as night becomes day, my sorrow becomes joy. The morning often represents restoration or blessing (Psalm 90:14, Lamentations 3:22-23). The Lord’s mercies are new every morning, and His faithfulness is extraordinary.

Knowing this, I can wake up with a renewed sense on my life. I can fix all that was done wrong the day before with God’s help.

Start your morning with a new outlook, an outlook that comes straight from God. An outlook that is forgiving of others and yourself, fresh with the possibility of healing, bold with commitment to who God made you to be, and trust that God is continually molding you to His will. Each morning is bursting with endless possibilities. Can we take advantage of those possibilities in the way that God desires and that brings joy to our lives?

Digging Deeper:

When you read Psalm 30:5 and think of God’s renewal and grace, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

How do you need help accepting God’s grace in your life?

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