Names of Jesus - Part 4 - Author & Perfecter Of Our Faith


“Let us run with patient endurance the race that has been set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the originator and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:1-2

It is here…the week of Christmas. Are you exhausted yet? Have you been running a race with all your might and you see that you still have a few miles to go? This Christmas has looked so different for all of us. We have already endured so much. We have worried about loved ones that are sick, worried about loved ones potentially getting sick, not being able to spend the holidays with our parents, fighting the crowds and wearing a mask to purchase presents, waiting to see if the presents we ordered get shipped in time, wondering if the schools would go virtual before the Christmas break, fearful that our businesses may not make it; and that just names a few things that are weighing on us this Christmas. Is our worry overpowering our faith?

Hebrews 12:2 names Jesus as, “The author and perfecter of our faith”. There are two points I want to make this week.

  1. I have said this many times, but I want to say it again, Jesus chose to come to earth. He chose to leave the riches of heaven and be born in a stable. He did not have to make that choice, but He knew that in order to fulfill the plan for our salvation, He had to sacrifice Himself. Why? Why could there not be another way for Jesus to save us? By Jesus coming to earth and displaying His perfect perseverance, He gave us an example of persevering through our struggles. While Jesus was here on earth He endured ridicule even from His own family, betrayal, temptation, Satan’s schemes, loss, sadness, grief, anxiety, abuse, pain, and death. How many of those can you check off? When you look at this list, can you relate to Jesus? He is relatable because of His life here on earth. He knows that we are struggling and yet He also knows we can endure the struggle. Through Him, we can persevere. Through Jesus coming to earth and enduring the cross, He became the author of our faith. He wrote it all out for us. He revealed the truth that He came down from heaven, endured the pain and suffering of the world, became the final sacrifice, and died for our sins so that we may have forgiveness and eternal life with Him.

  2. Three days after Jesus’ death on the cross He rose from the grave. His rising from the grave is the foundation of our hope. We see that He is the true Messiah, the true High Priest. Hebrews 1:3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Jesus revealed Himself to a few certain people after He rose from the grave and then His work on earth was complete. He then took His seat at the right hand of God in heaven. This is where He became the perfecter of our faith. When He took His final seat as judge next to God, He completed His work in giving us a firm foundation in which to set our faith. Our faith stands firmly in the fact that He died on the cross to relieve us of the burden of sin, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we can go to Jesus anytime we want, and we will one day join Him in eternal life in heaven.

This Christmas, do not allow the worry and pressure to overpower your faith and joy. Take all your cares to the feet of Jesus. Allow Him to crush them the way He crushes His enemies. Be proud when you say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7. Jesus has the power to help us endure the race. When we fix our eyes on Him, we can see how He is sustaining us. We are able to focus on His plan instead of trying to gain control. Look at the birth of Jesus this Christmas as the reminder that you can persevere through your struggles. You know the end of the story. You know who wrote and perfected your story. Christmas is a time to be joyful because we have received the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Have faith my friends and celebrate the marvelous birth of Jesus Christ, remembering that He is the one in control of all. Merry Christmas!

Digging Deeper:

Describe your feelings this Christmas?

Think about the advent calendar: peace, love, joy, and hope. Which one do you need the most this Christmas and why?

How can you fix yours and your family’s eyes on Jesus this Christmas?

What can you do to strengthen your faith in the fact that Jesus has a plan for your current situation?

“During this season of giving and receiving presents, remember that the very best present of all is Life that will last forever!” Sarah Young

Gretchen Leech