Letting Go Of The Past - Favorite Verses 2

When a publisher gave me the suggestion to create my own website and to write through that avenue, my mind filled with thoughts of why I should not do it. I didn't want the world to read my thoughts, struggles, and weaknesses. I didn't think I was good enough and I didn’t have anything to offer. I thought my past was looming over me and could not be forgotten by those who knew it. I have not lived a perfect life. How could I now write weekly devotionals? How was I good enough to spread God’s Word?

Do you ever feel that way? Maybe you experience that when you feel a nudge to talk about Jesus to a neighbor. Or when you are asked to teach Sunday school in your church’s children’s program. Or when your child or grandchild asks you a question about a Bible story. Or maybe you feel that way just when you enter a church building. These feelings of unworthiness come in many areas of our lives.

Paul, the author of Philippians, was far from a perfect man. He not only rejected Jesus for many years but he went out of his way to turn others away from Jesus. He killed believers, plotted to kill Jesus, and was an enemy of the Christian faith. Paul sought to destroy everything that Christ achieved through His death and resurrection. Even with all Paul had done, God did not give up on him. God knew Paul’s potential and completely transformed him through grace. Paul’s strengths of Biblical knowledge, education in the Greek and Roman system, and his overwhelming zeal would be hugely beneficial in spreading the gospel. Jesus met Paul on the Damascus road and changed his life forever.

God sees things in us we cannot see. He pursues us because He knows us inside and out. When we think we are not capable, God knows we are.

I was raised a Christian and lived a life of a believer. I always went to church with my family and loved Jesus, but never would I have spoken about Jesus to a non-believer. I was too timid and introverted to do that. I served and did as God asked me to do as long as it was behind the scenes. I never wanted people to truly know me. I’ll never forget the feeling I got as Doug and I were back at MD Anderson for one of his post stem cell transplant immunotherapy injection appointments. God told me, “You prayed that I would heal Doug and I did.” I in turned said to Him, “Thank you, Great Healer. You answered my prayer, now I will do whatever you call me to do. What is your will?” He called me to spread His Word. Nope, nope, nope. I don’t like to be in front of people and I do not know the scriptures well enough.

In Philippians 3:12, Paul says that he is not perfect, but he can press on spreading the gospel because Christ Jesus has made him His own. Paul does nothing without Jesus’ guidance, direction, and instruction. Jesus gives Paul the understanding of the scriptures, the confidence in the Holy Spirit, and the power to persevere. Paul does not do it all on his own and neither do we. Verse 13 goes on to say that the one thing Paul does do is forget his past and strain forward to what lies ahead. He presses on toward the goal of spreading the gospel, the call He received from God in Jesus Christ.

The Devil places thoughts in our heads telling us we are not worthy. He knows our weaknesses and he attacks them. When we acknowledge our weaknesses and admit them to God, handing them over to Him to do as He pleases, then we can be on guard. We have to be ready for the Devil’s plotting and his schemes against the spreading of God’s Word. One thing the Devil hates is others coming to Christ, and he will do anything in his power to prevent it. That is where we come in. We allow God to give us the ability and the strength to stand up to the Devil. We allow God to give us understanding of the scriptures, the ability to listen to the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, and even just an inkling of His power. Everything God calls us to do has been planned ahead of time. It is not a fly by the seat of your pants situation. God knows the whole story and He has equipped us without us even knowing. Thank you, Lord!

I thought the calling for me to write was the craziest idea ever. There were many days that I thought, “Maybe this idea was not really from God. Maybe I should just quit before I truly fail.” He did not let me quit and He will not let you quit or even give up before you start. God will continue to pursue us until the day we finally give up the fight and allow Him to transform us into the faithful follower He created us to be. Don’t ever let your past hinder you from spreading the gospel. Press on toward the goal that God has placed in front of His people, the goal is to advance His Kingdom so that when He returns, we can live in eternity with Him.

Digging Deeper:

Read Philippians 3:12-21

How do you feel unworthy to spread the gospel?

What lies does the Devil put in your head?

What is God calling you to do?

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