Thankful for God's Power In Me

At my children’s school this month they are talking about vocations. My daughter’s second grade teacher is speaking to the class about how God calls each one of us to do special work for Him. Their class is praying for an individual as he finishes up his seminary schooling to become a priest. Emma had to write an individual prayer that she is praying over him and we prayed that God would give him wisdom and power as he prepares to do God’s work.

I began thinking about God’s power that is gifted to us as individuals. My calling to write weekly devotionals is not something I ever thought I would be doing, but God equipped me to do. Each one of us is called and equipped by the power of God.

God’s power is infinite in all His attributes. A few of God’s attributes are eternal, faithful, Father, good, gracious, guide, holy, immutable, impartial, incomprehensible, infinite, just, love, merciful, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, patient, provider, righteous, sovereign, and wise. He is infinite in each one of these attributes and He shares these attributes with us.

Paul tells us in Ephesians that God is capable of doing far more than we could ever imagine. If He can do more than we could ever imagine, He definitely does more than we would think to ask.

There are a couple of Greek terms related to power. The Greek word dynamis and its related verb dynamai mean “power”. The Greek word ergon and its related verb energeo mean “work”. Paul praises
God as to dynameno, “the one who is able”. He praises God because not only is He able to do all things above our comprehension, but He gives that same power and work to believers.

Romans 1 tells us that since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities —His eternal power and divine nature— have been clearly seen by humans. We can understand His power as we look at His creation, read His Word, see miracles performed as from Him and not coincidences, and live out His power given to us.

We may not all be called to become pastors, missionaries, motivational speakers, writers, or teachers. But we are all called to a special task in God’s Kingdom. Maybe you are called to step out to be a light in your workplace and change how individuals are treated around you. Maybe you are called to love on your children and their friends as God’s love is shown through you. Maybe you are called to take a meal to a neighbor that is living with a difficult illness. Maybe you are called to change the trajectory of a person’s life because you answered a call on your heart to reach out to that person. Whatever God has placed in your individual life, you need His power to do it. Without God’s power that is gifted to us as believers, we cannot be a representation of Him.

I pray each day that God will give me an inkling of His power as I answer His calling in my life. I know that if He gives me an inkling of what He can do, then it will be far more than I could ever do on my own. I could not even come up with topics to write about if it wasn’t for God’s power dwelling in me.

Talking to my seven-year-old daughter about how she is called by God to do something great for Him was such a gift. If we are in search of what God is doing in our lives and acknowledging the power that comes from Him in our works, we will be able to accomplish what we were made to do. Praise God for who He is and what He is doing through you.

Digging Deeper:

Where in your life do you need God’s power?

How have you seen God’s power in your life in the past?

Will you ask God today to gift you with His power so that you can be equipped to say “yes” to the calling placed in your life?

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