Thankful In Our Renewing
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
Last week I wrote about how tired I was. I was overwhelmed, fearful, worried, and tired of Covid and the many ways it has changed our society. After I posted my blog, I was shocked with the response I got from many of you. So many of you were in that boat with me and may still be there. You reached out to me through emails and texts and told me how you were feeling the same way. This past week God has renewed my soul. That heavy feeling of despair in my chest is gone; He has refreshed me and filled me with a feeling of thankfulness as we enter into this new year. I wanted to share with you some of the things that I am thankful for and how God has renewed me. I hope this encourages you as you find your sense of refreshing.
First of all, I am thankful for Jesus! In church this Sunday I heard a song that had a line in it that said, “Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.” When I heard those simple words, my body filled with emotion. My eyes filled with tears as I went through in my head the many, many ways I am thankful for Jesus. When I get overwhelmed with the feeling that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all I need to do, I remember how Jesus gave up His time in heaven to come down to earth to free me from my sins. He chose to live a life of servanthood, and that inspires me to keep pushing on in my long days. When I get fearful and worried of what is to come, I remember the struggles, persecution, and betrayal He lived through for me. He could have easily taken all that pain away from Himself, but He did not. Jesus’ struggles led to the greatest thing in our world, dying on the cross for our sins and His resurrection. We have to endure our hardships so that we can accomplish something great for the Lord. Lastly, when I get tired, I remember how Jesus was tired, hungry, and in need when He was in this world. He did not rely on any earthly thing to fulfill Him, He relied on His Heavenly Father. I try to turn to earthly rest, but I need to reevaluate myself and figure out exactly what kind of rest I’m needing. It is almost always resting in God that I need. I get that by listening to praise music, sitting quietly with God and inviting His presence to come to me, and diving into His Word. Our Heavenly Father gives us all we need.
Second, I am thankful for you. Your comments from last week’s post encouraged me more than you will ever know. When we see we are not alone in our feelings we are inspired. You inspired me in so many ways. A feeling of community is so important. We need to stand together by encouraging each other, embracing each other in times of need, praying for each other, and just simply relating to each other. I was so fearful of starting my website and blog because of the unknown, but I am so thankful for how God has developed the community it has brought into my life. All of you mean so much to me and build me in my walk with Christ. I hope I do the same for you. God puts people in our lives that He works through to help others. You are that for me and I pray God works through me to be that for you.
Lastly, I am thankful for God’s creation. I have been in awe of nature this past week. I know God has opened my eyes in a new way of thankfulness as I take my walks, take our puppy out to potty (which he has been such a blessing to our family, he has brought so many smiles!), and watch the sunset as I cook dinner. A dear friend of ours bought us a new bird feeder for Christmas and I am absolutely loving it. We have so many birds in our backyard. I hear their chirping, watch them flittering through the trees, and see them eating the seed. Their beautiful colors and fragile bodies remind me of how awesome our God is. He can take something so delicate and tiny and make such an impact in our world.
This goes way beyond birds. There are problems that we tend to multiply in our heads are tiny to God. Nothing scares God, nothing surprises God, nothing is too big for God, and nothing makes God turn away from us. Don’t doubt God’s goodness. Take it all to Him. Find that rest you are needing through your Heavenly Father. Look for the many ways He is speaking to you. For me it was through a song, friends and nature. It may be something totally different for you, so keep your eyes open. Focus on Him, because He is focused on you!
Digging Deeper:
Read Colossians 2:6-7, 3:15 and Philippians 2:13-15
Write in the comments below what you are thankful for this week. What has God opened your eyes to?
What kind of rest do you need? Physical, mental, spiritual? Write down some practical ways to find that rest.
Ask God to refresh your soul as you enter 2021. Ask God to give you a new perspective in your world.