There Is Power In Words
My husband and I recently taught the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead to a group of first through third graders. The children were amazed that all Jesus had to do was say a word to a man who had been dead for four days and he walked out of his tomb. It got me thinking about the power of words, not just any words, the words that we give to God and allow Him to do amazing things with.
While Jesus was on earth, His words made a huge impact on people’s lives. Some were told to walk, while others were told to speak, and even some were told to open their eyes. Some people came to believing in Jesus’ Messiahship simply through His words and some were told to walk out of their tombs. Think of the many lives that were changed through the words of Jesus.
Before Jesus came to earth, He performed mighty acts with His words. The earth was created by Jesus uttering a single word. We all came into existence because Jesus commanded us to.
In Luke 4:36, the people were amazed with Jesus’ words. They asked themselves, “What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!” His words had authority in power before His time on earth, while He was on earth, and even today as He sits at the right hand of God. We do not need to forget that He is still very much active and speaking these powerful words today.
As you know, January 1 is a big day that people make resolutions or come up with a word for the year. The word we choose is like our mantra and is usually based on an area of our lives we need to see a change. Why do we wait until New Year’s to make a change? Why can’t we make a change right now?
The lazy days of summer are coming to a close and we are approaching the busy season of fall. I don’t know about you, but I am going to need Jesus’ power to help me survive the busy fall that is coming ahead. Maybe you are not looking ahead to a busy fall. Maybe you are lonely and need something to keep you busy. Or maybe you are in a season of struggle with a health diagnosis, and you feel too weak to fight. Maybe you feel the pressure from your work and financial burdens hanging over you and some mornings it’s hard to just get out of bed to face the day. Whatever it is you are going through, Jesus has the words to get you through.
Please join me as we pray to Jesus to help us find our focus word for this fall.
Dear Jesus, we come to you heavy laden. There is so much on our hearts that we don’t know where to start. Would you please give us a single word to bring our focus back on you. A word that is filled with your power and authority. A word that will bring change in our lives through you. We thank you in advance for helping us through this season and we thank you for guiding us to focus on you. Amen
What word is He asking you to pray over yourself or someone else?
We do not know what Lazarus thought or how he reacted to his death and resurrection, there is not a single word recorded that describes his feelings or what he said after he walked out of that tomb. But we do know that he heard Jesus’ words even when he was dead. Jesus invites us to take part in the work He does each day, but we must always remember that He does much greater work than we will ever know. Jesus is alway working in, around, and through us.
If Lazarus heard Jesus in his tomb, surely we can hear Him while we are alive. When Jesus has placed your focus word on your heart, begin praying that to Him daily. His words are powerful in us and through us. Jesus’ words can change our thoughts, actions, and circumstances in a second. Allow Him to bring His words to you so that His authority and power can make a difference in every aspect of your life.
Digging Deeper:
Read about Jesus’ power in Psalm 147:5, Job 22:22, Colossians 2:9-10
How have you seen God’s power and authority through His words?
Where do you see a change in needed in your life this fall?
What word has Jesus given you to focus on and pray over?
Ways to hear God speak to you:
Through prayer, reading the Bible, spending time looking at areas of your life that you need more Jesus, or asking someone close to you that you trust where you need improvement in your life.