Walking With Jesus Bingo Challenge
October gets extremely busy and the one thing we do not want to punt on (did you catch my football reference? 😄) is our time with Jesus. October is a fun month full of sporting events, games, and Halloween; let’s play a game of our own that brings us closer to Jesus…Bingo!
A relationship is defined as connection, association, or involvement with another person. A relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship we will have. When we think about our friend, spouse, and career relationships, we realize they take work. But as we work on these relationships and build on them, the benefits are worth the work. The benefits of having a relationship with Jesus far out way any earthly relationships. As we build our relationship with Jesus we receive a new life, forgiveness, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and eternity in heaven.
Let’s think more about our earthly relationships; what you put into them is what you receive back. To have a relationship with Jesus does not take near as much as our earthly relationships do. What I mean by that is we typically have to find some form of a connection with a person before we begin to form a relationship with them. We find that connection and then we have to find a way to spark a conversation and an interest. We all begin our relationship with Jesus with a connection, we were all created by Him and He calls each of us a child of His. Before we even approach the throne of Jesus, He already loves us. All we have to do to begin our relationship with Jesus is admit that we are sinners and that our sin creates a broken relationship with Jesus. This seems so simple, but for some of us it is hard to admit we are not enough to save ourselves. Pride sets in and ruins our relationship. This can be a downfall for many relationships.
We all fall short and sin. The wages of sin is spiritual death and that creates an eternal separation from God. The final thing we have to do to form our relationship with Jesus is know that God loves us despite of our sin. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. Nothing we do can bring us salvation, only the perfect sacrifice of Jesus can save us. He chose to bridge the gap and build our relationship with Him while we were still sinners. He didn’t wait for us to ask for forgiveness and go to Him, He chose us and sought us out. Jesus wants a relationship with you more than anything. How can we run to Him with open arms in this relationship He already created?
If you have already formed a solid relationship with Jesus, you can always grow and mature in your relationship. We are called to continue to grow deeper with Jesus, not to become stagnant and lukewarm. We are to be on fire for Jesus as we walk through our earthly lives. The only way to get that enthusiasm is to continually seek Him out.
I list many ways to build on your relationship with Jesus on our bingo card. Go through the bingo card and walk your way through a bingo. After you get one bingo keep going. Hopefully we can each completely fill our bingo card. As you get your bingos, let me hear about it. You can direct message me on Facebook or Instagram or email me and let me know how you are doing on your bingo card. I can’t wait to hear about how your relationship with Jesus is deepening because you are making time for Him each day.
Each time you message me and show me that you have completed a bingo, your name will go into a drawing to receive a copy of Beth Moore’s memoir, All My Knotted-Up Life!
If you complete the entire bingo card in the month of October, your name will go in a drawing to receive a $25 Amazon gift card.
I can’t wait to hear your stories of all the ways you walked with Jesus this month!
Click the tab below for a FREE printable bingo card. Let the fun begin!