Where Are My Thoughts?

I have had a debilitating case of writer’s block. Well, I thought that was what it was. I could not focus on my writing, reading, or studying God’s Word. When I would sit down in front of my computer to write, my mind felt empty. I had no words to type out. I couldn’t even think of anything to write about. This is the first time this has happened in the two years I have been writing weekly devotionals. I was worried that maybe God was not giving me something to write about because He did not want me to write anymore.

I prayed for days about this situation. Where was God leading me? I felt like I was at a crossroads. Do I continue on with my writing or was this the end of the road for me? God led me to Philippians 4:4-9 in my Bible. I realized then that it was not God that was emptying my mind of words to write; it was me clogging my mind of meaningless worry, false teachings, and ugly thoughts. My mind was filled with the world instead of God.

There was drama in my life that I didn’t even realize was overwhelming me. There were family concerns that I did not know how to fix, there was worry about decisions made, and there were pointless tasks that I thought were more important. With all of that going on in my head, I lost my focus on what we are called to ponder on. I was the one placing a separation between God and myself; He was not the One backing away from me.

Paul begins some of his final words to the Philippians by calling them to rejoice in the Lord. He tells us that the Lord is near to us and we should live in a continuous state of joyfulness because of this. When we are joyful in the Lord, there is no room for anxious thoughts or worried hearts. We are filled with the peace that only God can bring. The world fills us with worry and when we take those concerns to God with petition and thanksgiving, our hearts and minds are protected from the overwhelming feelings that the world puts on us.

Paul tells us to ponder on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. I can tell you that my thoughts were none of those things when I thought I had writer’s block. I was in a place in my life that I did not even know how to pray. I did not know what to pray for. You know those situations in your life that are so out there that you can’t find the words to pray? My thoughts were only negative, nothing positive was radiating from my mind. Not only was I negative, but I also let the truth of God and who He is slip from my thoughts as well. When we lose grip of the truth of God, His promises and attributes, we lose focus on Him. That is when the devil gets his foot in our lives. I opened a crack in my firm standing with God and allowed the enemy to see my weakness. He took full advantage of it and kicked me when I was down.

This passage that God led me to warned me of where my thoughts were and what I was allowing to happen to me. God saved me from the enemy by leading me to His Word, truth, and peace. Paul tells us to take what we learn and put it into practice. Don’t just sit on what you read and learn from God, place it front and center of your life. Allow these things to change you, your thinking, and your actions. Through that we will find peace that is strong enough to fight everything the world throws at us. Instead of thinking we are defeated and weak, we need to focus on our Savior who has already won our battles. Ponder on what He has already done for you and what He is doing for you today.

My worldly thoughts could have won and ended my writing ministry, but God protected His plan and brought me back to Him. What is the world keeping you from doing for Christ? How will you ask God to change your thoughts and bring you back to Him?

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you learned or received or heard from me, or saw in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Philippians 4:4-9

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