Hebrews: Deepening Your Relationship With Christ - Digital Copy Only

Hebrews: Deepening Your Relationship With Christ - Digital Copy Only


Hebrews: Deepening Your Relationship With Christ is a 6-week study that goes deep into the understanding of the Holy Trinity. We will study why the Israelites had to turn away from their old ways of religion and embrace the new promise made to Christians through Jesus’ life on earth and His death on the cross. We will fully grasp the importance of Jesus Christ. We will be reminded of who He is, why He was put on this earth, why He had to die for our sins, and how to have a mature relationship with Him.

Our first Zoom discussion will be Wednesday, October 7, at 7:00p.m. Please be ready to discuss week one. The study guides for each week can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of this page and clicking on the study guide tab. If you are registered for the class they will be emailed to you as well.

To register for the class submit the form below.

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