6 Ways To Refresh This Spring!

It’s spring break here in Arkansas and my mind is focused on a refresh. We all need a refresh occasionally. What kind of refresh do you need? Do you need a refresh with your mind, body, house cleaning, relationships, joyfulness, or maybe something else? As I think about all the areas we may need a refresh, they all narrow down to a refresh spiritually with Jesus. Every aspect of our lives should revolve around Him. If we see Jesus in all areas of our lives and focus on doing everything for Him, our outlook on these particular things will be different.

When we keep our hearts focused on Jesus, we can find joy in our work. We can attempt things we didn’t know we could do because we are strengthened by Jesus. We have the ability to see others differently, through Jesus’ lens. We can love in a way we did not think was possible.

Let’s look at 6 ways we can focus on Jesus and hit the refresh button this spring.

  1. Be intentional. Be intentional each day in what you do and say. Every action, every thought, every word is important. Time is precious especially when your life is busy. Each thing you do throughout your day, make it meaningful. Doing laundry is important to you, your family, and others around. (Others do not want to smell your stinky clothes.) The words that come out of your mouth not only affects those around you, but they affect yourself. Words have a powerful way of bringing a person down or lifting them up. Just speaking negatively can affect your outlook on the whole day. Those are just a few examples of how we need to be intentional with even the small things in our day to day lives. Each step Jesus took and each word He spoke was intentional. During His ministry on earth, there was a reason for everything He did. Nothing was done in vain.

    “But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”

    James 1:25

  2. Find time to laugh. Laughing has many health benefits. Some short-term benefits are stimulating organs, activating and relieving stress responses, and soothing tension. Long term benefits include improving your immune system, relieving pain, increasing personal satisfaction, and improving your mood. Look for humor in your day. Choose to watch a funny show instead of a sad one. Call a friend you know you can laugh with. Smile at someone in the grocery store. Even just a smile can relieve stress. Jesus was happy here on earth and He found time to laugh with His apostles. Laughter brings us all together and reminds us that we are all the same. We are made in God’s image, and He made us to have fun and laugh.

    “…everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.” Ecclesiastes 3:13

  3. Sweat a little each day. Exercising produces endorphins and makes us feel better. Physical work not only refreshes our spirit but also calms our bodies. We achieve better rest, and we experience less anxiety and stress when we exercise. Exercise can be anything from taking a walk to working in your yard to weightlifting to sprint intervals. When I work out I like to listen to worship music, listen to a Christian podcast, or pray. I try to keep my mind focused on Jesus throughout my workout and how He made my body to move, and He made it perfectly. Jesus makes no mistakes, the way He made you was not a mistake either.

    “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, who you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  4. Invest in blessing someone. Whether it is a friend you’ve had for years or someone you just met, investing the time to make them feel loved is worth every minute. We always think and hear about self-care, but what if we focused on the care of others before the care of ourselves? Jesus fills our cups while we pour into other’s cups. This may be something as quick as sending an uplifting text or maybe it’s more time consuming like mowing a lawn or helping someone move. Whatever it is, do with the love of Jesus in your heart. Jesus sacrificed for us, so we should sacrifice for each other. Live a life with Jesus’ actions in mind.

    “Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

  5. Be creative by learning something new. When we are exploring and learning, we are getting our creative juices flowing. God made us to be creative and to expand our learning and understanding. You can take advantage of the beautiful world around you and try a new outdoor activity like hiking or an outdoor sport. Or perhaps God is calling you to be artistic and paint or draw. Or maybe He is calling you to learn something new by studying a book in the Bible you have never read before. Whatever He is calling you to explore, do it in awe of the brain and body He blessed you with. We can do more than our everyday routine. Test your body and see how wonderfully God made you.

    “He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver—by any sort of workman or skilled designer.” Exodus 35:35

  6. Pray in a different way. Have your prayers gotten monotonous? Are you falling asleep during your prayers? Are your prayers just routine and you are forgetting important things and people you need to pray for? You need a change in the way you are praying. Simply moving your quiet time to the back deck, journaling your prayers, or saying your prayers out loud can help liven up your prayer life. I have said this so many times but praying to God is such a gift. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we were gifted with the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, we have an around the clock connection to God. We can pray anytime we want. With that precious gift at our fingertips, why would we ever not take full advantage of it? Communication with God is so important in our walk with Christ. Keep that relationship fueled by making the most out of your prayer time.

    “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” Mark 1:35

Digging Deeper:

Read Jeremiah 31 with a thankful heart of everything Jesus has done and will do. Place extra emphasis on verse 25.

How is God calling you to refresh your spirit?

What are thankful for that Jesus has done for you?

Take time this week to list out a plan of action as to how you will hit your refresh button so that you can focus on Jesus throughout every activity.

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