God, Give Us Strength

What in this world is scary to you right now?

As you watch what is going on in your surrounding environment, near and far, what is your first reaction? Are you filled with compassion for others who are suffering? Are you fearful of how circumstances will affect you and your loved ones? Do you want to stick your head in the sand and avoid it all?

One Sunday I was teaching Sunday school to a group of 3rd-6th, graders and they began talking about things going on the world. They talked of devastating situations in far off countries and the effects of these situations that were surrounding them. Their small and innocent voices echoed off my ears and struck my heart. There was fear in their voices and yet a desire for strength in their hearts.

My brilliant co-teacher immediately stopped what we were doing and led us all into open prayer. These children were taught to go to Jesus for the strength they needed to process the world around them and the courage they needed to stand up for what is right. I started thinking about how we, as children of God, voice our concerns, fears, misunderstandings, and dismays. Unless we take them straight to Jesus, they simply bounce off all the earthly things, leaving us without the strength to do anything about them.

When someone is placed at the right hand of a ruler or leader, they are given power and authority. Acts 2:33 tells us that in His ascension, the resurrected Jesus is glorified by God the Father to a position of authority over all things and sits at His right hand. It goes on to say that God has poured out this authority on us through the Holy Spirit that we can see through our actions and hear in our hearts.

Isaiah 41:10 says that we are not to fear because God is helping us and upholding us with His righteous right hand. Sitting at His right hand is Jesus Himself. Jesus’ power wipes away all fears of what is to come, brings us comfort in times of discouragement, and blesses us with peace when the world is chaotic around us.

Having God at our right hand assures our victory on this earth. I know it can be scary and the unknown can be intimidating, but there is no room for fear with God on our side. He knows what is going on. He knows the end of the story and His plans are already set into action.

This past Sunday, my pastor said that there is not one circumstance in our lives that God does not use. God uses our circumstances, good and bad, for many reasons. He uses them to grow us and to prepare us for what is to come. He uses them for our good and our protection. He uses them to reach others around us. And most importantly, He uses them for His glorification and to expand His kingdom.

Nothing goes unnoticed by God. He has gone ahead of the situation and is working when we cannot see it. As Christians, may we not live in fear of what is to come, but live in hope of what our King is doing. He has more power than anything we see here on this earth. He rules over all and has authority to do whatever He pleases.

So, instead of looking at all situations in sadness and despair, we can look at them victoriously, knowing God is upholding us by His righteous right hand. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have the strength to persevere in this world and see God’s promises to completion.

Digging Deeper:

Read Acts 2:32-35 and Isaiah 41

What brings you fear right now?

How do you need God to strengthen you?

How do you need God to help you trust that He is in control?

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