Be Alert Of The Storms Around Us

My state suffered devastating storms and tornados last week. People in my community suffered loss of life, injuries, and destruction of property. As my family and I sat in the tornado safe room of my children’s school, I was sobered to the point of fear.

I typically do not give much thought to storms. I actually find a storm rolling in to be relaxing and soothing. I have always had feelings of comfort and relaxation if I can be at home while it is storming outside. I have all my curtains open so I can see the beautiful clouds, the force of the wind blowing the trees, and hear the rain pelting down on the windows. When I was sitting in that safe room and getting the tornado alerts on my phone, I could only sit and wonder what was going on outside. I could not see the affects of the storm or know how serious it truly was. I did not know there was an actual tornado that was destroying lives a mile from where my family sat.

After the tornado and storm ended, we all piled out of that safe room and saw that the rain had stopped and the sun was popping out. We could hear the sirens and sense the stress in the air. I was sobered by the thought that I could have been either in my car during the middle of that storm or at home by myself fearing that my children were so close to it. All I could think was that I no longer needed to be lazy when it came to preparation or awareness. I no longer needed to think that I was safe from harm.

1 Peter 5:8 says to always be alert and of sober mind because the enemy is out to destroy us. When we are focused on the world and the worldly tasks we need to get done, we are distracted. When we are living a life in denial thinking nothing bad can touch us, we are distracted. When we live a life of busyness and not making time to be alert, we are distracted. Living a life of sober mind and alertness is not living a life of fear. It is living a life of strength, courage, and trust.

One commentator gives the analogy of small animals. He says that lions attack sick, young, or straggling animals who are alone or not alert. When we are alone and not depending on God for help, protection, or strength, we can be hit by a storm without being prepared. When we are not prepared, devastation happens. Thankfully through technology, people were alerted of the coming tornado and were able to prepare. The loss could have been so much greater if we were not alerted of the devouring tornado that was quickly coming.

The commentator also says that those who are alone, weak, helpless, cut off from believers, or too focused on their troubles to focus on God can be vulnerable to attack. It is so important for us to rally together to help each other. Helping others in need can bring each other up in so many ways. We help each other’s spirits through kindness and encouragement. We are strong in numbers and together we can bring our community back to the beauty it was before. And we can bring God’s hope into every situation. With God’s hope in us, we can not only focus on Him but be His hands and feet here on earth. We can stay focused on Him and the enemy can no longer downcast us or depress us. We are strong through Christ and we are sober in preparation for what the enemy may be doing to bring us down.

As I drive around and see the devastation, my mind will stay alert. I will not get down or sad. I will not think about the what if’s. I will not allow fear to set in. I will be alert to what I need to do, what God is doing around me, and to the beauty of God’s people coming together in unison to do good for others. Stay alert and sober minded so the enemy does not come in and attack you when you are already down. We are strong through Christ who gives us strength.

Digging Deeper:

What storm in your life has distracted you from staying alert against the enemy?

How do you think staying alert and being sober minded protects you from the enemies schemes?

Where in your life do you need to focus on Jesus?

Gretchen LeechComment