Be Still Before The Lord

The world is busy. There is chaos all around us. Noises from cars, people, televisions, and radios. There is destruction, mourning, war, and corruption. There is worry, anxiety, depression, and addiction. With all this around us, stirring through our thoughts constantly, how can we be still before God?

Luke 24:44-45 tells of when Jesus appeared to His disciples after raising from the dead. During this time, He opened their minds and hearts so that they would understand everything that had happened through His ministry, death, and resurrection. I imagine Jesus’ disciples sitting before Him in awe. They sat still before Him, soaking up every word and image. The chaos was still around them. Outside of the house they were in, the world still went on. The market was selling goods, the people were milling around as they talked and laughed, the Roman soldiers were guarding and controlling, and the enemy was lurking about. There was cause for worry and confusion, but instead of allowing all that to take over, they chose to sit still before Jesus.

Several years ago, a friend of mine bought me a shirt that says, “Be still.” I had always heard the verse and knew it meant to be still before the Lord so that I could hear His words to me and be in His presence, but I had no idea how to achieve it. During that certain season of my life, I had two small children and a husband who was undergoing cancer treatment. The only quiet time I got was in the shower and that time was questionable at best. If I had a chance to actually take a quiet shower without anyone in there with me, I spent the time crying. I thought I was failing at being still before God. That time of my life did not lend many opportunities to be quiet before the Lord. My kids woke up super early ready to get the day started and I was physically and emotionally too exhausted in the early morning hours and late at night. I was jealous of those who had the opportunity to quietly be still before the Lord.

As I look back at those moments and look at the current life I have with children who are now 8 and 11 years old and a husband who is healthy, I see that during both seasons of life I can be still before God. You see, being still before God is an important aspect of your walk with Him, but it is not necessarily always sitting in silence before the throne. To be still before God could be trusting in Him and what He is doing in your life. It could be fully surrendering your life to Him and allowing Him to be in control when you cannot be. It can be living a calm life; one without worry, regret, and fear. It can be saying a small prayer as you drive down the road. Being still before the Lord is what brings you peace in your life. It is your communication with God that slows you down and allows you to focus on Him.

Being still before the Lord Almighty, looks different throughout different seasons of your life. That day that Jesus stood before His disciples and gave them understanding, they were sitting in total silence taking Him all in. They sat still before Him and then they were on the move preaching His gospel. To “be still” before the Lord is simply to make time for Him. Welcome Him into your situation. In the middle of your circumstances allow your ears, heart, and mind to be open to hear and see what He is saying to you and the goodness He is doing in your life. The war in life will always be there. There will always be things to distract us and trying to keep us from Jesus. Allow yourself to not just see the war of the world, but to see the Victor that has already won the battle. Take time to focus on Jesus in a way that fits into your season of life. He knows what you are going through, and He is ready for you to depend on Him.

Digging Deeper:

Read Psalm 46. This Psalm is focused on how God is always there for us. He’s always there to help by providing refuge, security, and peace.

When is the last time you were still before the Lord?

How can you rely on the Lord and be still before Him in this season of your life?

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