God, Transform My Thinking

Last week, we talked about how we find God’s will for our lives. We came to the realization that we needed to let go of the control of figuring it all out by ourselves and rely on God to help us by steering us in the right direction through our faith, prayers, and submission. If you missed last week’s devotional, you can go back and read it on the previous blog post.

Now that we are aware of how to find God’s will in our lives, the big question still lingering is, “How do we accept God’s will?”

As I read Romans 12:2, the first thing that brings lots of questions to my mind is the very first sentence, “Do not be conformed to this world.” I begin to think how I personally conform to this world and the number of ways I realize are embarrassing. In my pride and lack of humility. In my everyday speech as far as judgementalism, expecting others to be like me, cursing not only in my head but also coming out of my mouth. The way I’m easily swayed by the trends. Giving into temptation because something seems appealing. The feel of needing to be busy all the time and self-satisfying accomplishment. Every one of these forms of thinking or acting can separate me from God if they become my main focus. They take up space in my thoughts and actions so that I do not have time for God. I don’t have time to spend with God, talk with God, and I definitely don’t have time to listen to God.

My thinking makes me who I am. My thinking eventually leads to actions. My actions affect others and influence how others see me. When I am focused on the world, its concerns, patterns, flexible moral code, and lack of responsibility, I stumble in my beliefs of God’s truth. God is concerned with things as well. He’s concerned with our peace, joy, and faith in Him.

Many years ago, the Jewish people divided history into two major sections: the present age, in which God’s rule is not fully established, and the coming age, when God will complete His rule as King. Becuase of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, Christians are enabled to live under God’s rule in the present age. For this very reason, we are to no conform to the worldly ways, we are to conform to the truths of God.

When we renew our minds by transforming them to God’s truths it is easier to accept God’s will in our lives. The best way to transform your mind to God’s truth is by studying His Word. Keep it fresh on your mind. When you study, ask God what it is He has for you to learn from what you are reading. Not all scripture is easy to understand, but as we read with a willing heart, God can transform our thinking so that we can better understand what He is saying.

The Israelites failed to recognize God’s will and purposes. As I have been studying the book of Matthew this year, I have seen how the Jewish people’s hearts were hardened towards Jesus the Messiah. They did not recognize Jesus as their Savior even though they knew the Old Testament scriptures. We are called to know the scriptures plue trust what the Holy Spirit is telling us and that He is leading us. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” Jesus restored sinners and outcasts to right relationship with God the Father through His sacrificial death. This reconciliation restored the relationship with God and His rebellious people and got the ball rolling for the rest of the church age to live in a way that we can transform our thinking because we have the opportunity to live in a right relationship with Him.

Through our transforming mind, we can fully accept the will of God and know deep in our hearts that God’s will is best for us. God’s Word tells us that He wants what is best for us. So, because of our transforming thoughts and ways, we can trust in God’s goodness. Trust in Him is the most important part of our relationship with Jesus.

This is a hard truth because we want control over our lives. We want “this” and God says we need “that”. When we transform our mind to “that” and adapt our views to God’s will, then we can see the goodness in all circumstances. Not all circumstances are good but we can trust that all circumstances can and will be used for our good and the glory of God if we align our will with His. I urge you this week to ask God to show you how you need to transform your thinking and adapt your attitude and actions to His will. He will bless you with knowledge and wisdom in your life that gives you clear sight.

Digging Deeper:

How do you need to transform your thinking to God’s truth?

How do you fall into worldly thinking?

Do you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins? If your answer is yes, then how can you accept that Jesus wiped away your sins and transformed you into a reconciled child of God?

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