The Will Of God...What Is It?

I talk a lot about following God’s will. Sometimes I find myself asking, “What is the will of God?” I know God’s will is best and He wants what is best for me, but how do I know what I think is God’s will actually is God’s will? Is it something I desire so I tell myself it is God’s will?

I think we all go through moments like this. We add confusion and doubt to our lives that should not be there. We say to ourselves, “If only I knew the outcome. If only God would tell me through a sign. If only I had confidence in my decision making.” Do any of these statements sound familiar? When we say these things to ourselves there is one common problem, we are relying on ourselves and the world instead of on God.

As I read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, the one phrase that stands out to me the most is, to pray without ceasing. Taking our problems and concerns to God is the only way we will find His will.

I remember a time I borrowed a reference book from a friend who was helping me write a Bible study guide. She needed it back and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I looked in my binder where I kept all my notes; I looked in my bookcase where I kept all my study books; I looked in my bag I carry with me when I’m taking my writing out of the house; and it was nowhere to be found. I was beginning to panic as I was frantically looking for this book. Where did I put it? Did I give it back to her and she lost it? Did I leave it somewhere? When I borrow things, I like to give them back to the person in better condition that when I borrowed them and that wasn’t going to happen because I wasn’t even able to find it to give it back to my friend.

I realized I was relying on myself to find the book. I was relying on myself to solve the problem. I immediately sat down and asked God where the book was. I asked Him to reveal the book’s hiding place to me. I walked away from worrying about where the book was for a while and went on living my life doing other tasks. A few days later I opened the top drawer of my bedroom chest and there was the book. I was not worrying myself sick about the book, I was not taking matters into my own hands by ordering a new book on Amazon to give to my friend, and I was not tearing my house apart looking for it. I asked God to help me, and I had faith that He would deliver that help.

Finding God’s will works in the same way. When we try to do life on our own, we will never find God’s will. We find God’s will by continuously communicating with Him. Asking God to reveal His will to us. Asking His guidance through our life. Bringing every concern to Him. It’s really hard to find joy and thanksgiving without praying to our Father. Praying leads to power in Christ, unending joy, and a thankful heart.

Verse 19 says, “Do not quench the spirit.” When we do not rely on God and go to Him in prayer, we squash the Spirit. The spirit verse 19 is talking of is the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for “Spirit” used here is pneuma. The New Testament uses imagery of fire to describe the Spirit’s presence and activity. When we quench the Spirit, by not taking advantage of His power through prayer, we are resisting the Spirit’s work. Prayer brings us into connection with God and this power through the Holy Spirit was a gift given to us through Christ’s death and resurrection.

The will of God is not the mystery we try to make it in our minds. God’s will is revealed to us through Jesus Christ. When the Holy Spirit came over the apostles at Pentecost, they were gifted with the power of God. They would not have been able to speak in all the nations’ tongues without God’s power enveloping them. God’s power is given to us as well through prayer. A friend of mine put it this way. Just like a charging cord gives our phones power, our prayers connect us to God’s power. We are energized, guided, and comforted through our prayers. God reveals Himself and His will to us through communication with Him.

Digging Deeper:

How do you fall short in your prayer life?

How can you make prayer a priority?

Where in your life do you need God to give you power?

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