How To Have Steadfast Trust

Keeping my trust in the Lord is one of the hardest things for me. I place my trust in Him only after I have exhausted all other avenues. I try to figure out which direction to go on my own, an answer to a question, or my purpose in life all without consulting God first. When I realize I have no idea how to do it on my own, I go running to Him. I get an answer from God and then I go full circle again and begin to doubt where He is leading me. Can you relate to the hamster wheel I put myself on?

Isaiah 26:3 tells us that when we steadfastly trust in the Lord, we will find perfect peace. Steadfast means we are firmly fixed in a direction. Our trust in the Lord is unwavering and firmly established. Verse 4 goes on to say that we are to trust in the Lord forever because He is the Rock Eternal. The word eternal tells us to look forward and refers to the span of time in which God is to be obeyed and trusted, forever.

We see in Matthew 14 the scene of Jesus walking out on the water towards His disciples. When they first saw Him, they were afraid and thought He was a ghost. Jesus said, “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.” Then Peter questioned if it was truly His Lord. Jesus told him to come out on the water with Him. Peter got out of the boat and began walking on the water with Jesus. He was only able to do that because of the power through Jesus and the trust that Peter had in Him. But then the wind began to blow, and Peter got scared. When he turned his gaze away from Jesus he began to sink and cried out for Jesus to save him. Jesus reached out to save him and asked a huge question, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Why do we doubt? We trust Him but then something happens in our lives that takes our gaze off the Lord. We forget that we’ve already tried it on our own and that didn't work. We forget that everything that is good comes from the Lord. We forget His promise that He will never leave or forsake us. We forget Jesus’ mighty power and we allow fear to set in.

How can we be steadfast with our trust in God? We can’t avoid turmoil and strife in our lives, it is all around us.

My first defense against doubt is repeating Isaiah 26:3-4 when I know I am beginning to doubt. Reminding myself to stay steadfast and unwavering acknowledges my doubt. I have this verse hung in many places so that it is ready to be my defense when I need it.

Prayer also brings my trust back to God’s ways. Admitting to Him that I’m doubting reminds me to stand firm in who He is.

Finally, I look ahead to the future instead of worrying about the past. Forget any mistakes you’ve made in the past. Look to the future trusting that God knows what is best for you. He knows the whole story where we only know the present. He leads…we follow.

Step out onto the water with Jesus. If you need Him to hold your hand, He’ll do it, He’s always right there with us. Live in steadfast trust of who He is and what He is doing in your life. The only time we can look to the past is to remember the goodness He has done for us. Remember the times He has proved that He is leading you in the right direction. Remember and walk out on that water trusting in your Savior.

Digging Deeper:

Read Isaiah 26:3-4 and Matthew 14:22-33

How is God calling you to step out on the water with Him?

What causes you to doubt God?

What is going on in your life right now that you need to hand over to God and trust Him completely?

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