Obedience Brings Peace and Righteousness

Our family was at the lake on one of those rare warm winter days. My two children were playing outside around the lake. They wanted to go down onto the lakebed that was exposed due to the lake being lowered so people could do some necessary work on their seawalls. They loved playing there because it was full of beautiful shells, driftwood, and rocks that had been smoothed by the water rushing over it. It was a child’s treasure chest. The only thing was it was muddy. I knew that if they went down there they would be dirty, and we were going to lunch soon.

They couldn’t resist the treasures gleaming in the sunlight, they did not listen to my command, and they went down onto the muddy lakebed anyways. When they came back up to the condo, their shoes, legs, and hands were covered in mud. On top of that, our family dog went with them, and he was filthy as well.

Our disobedience leads to unnecessary work. My children had to take baths again, change clothes, and help bathe Jasper, our dog, before we could go to lunch. Then on top of that, they were punished the rest of the day because they did not listen to my command.

Isaiah 48:17 says that God teaches us what is best for us. He directs us in the way we should go. He knows what is best for us and guides us. When we deliberately disobey the Lord or live our lives not trusting in Him, we are bombarded with extra work. Our lives become chaotic and messy when our disobedience abounds.

God desires for us to live in peace but that does not mean we will not suffer. Suffering comes regardless of what we do in this life, but if we are obedient and trust in Him through our suffering, we experience peace and joy through every circumstance because of God’s goodness in us.

If my children would have listened to me and not gotten in the lakebed they may have suffered for a short while because they did not get to have the fun they thought the lake bed would have brought them, but they would have seen the joy that playing in the grass would have been and they would not have had to do extra work to clean up their mess in the end.

Obedience to God in our daily lives is key to living a life of peace, fulfillment, accomplishment, and joy. Through Him all good things come to those who live according to His will.

Some of us struggle with wanting to do things our way and feel like following God is a heavy weight on us. It is actually just the opposite. Obedience frees us from the weight of the world. God’s commands are not demanding like the worlds. God commands us to take up our cross daily and walk trusting that He is in control and that we do not have to worry about the small things. Micah 6:8 says that the Lord shows us what is good and requires us to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. His commands are to do what is right, love and care for others, and to place Him above everything in humility.

Seeing obedience in God as a freedom and a burden being lifted from you can help in the choices you make. Knowing that our choices greatly impact our happiness, joy, and peace brings me to a place of trusting that God knows what is best for me. He is my loving Father that wants peace and well-being for me.

Digging Deeper:

What area of your life are you struggling to obey God?

Where do you see a lack of peace that could be brought on by disobedience?

How can you redirect your ways to a life of obedience and freedom?

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