God Is Our Way Maker!

How many times have you said, “There is no possible way…!” Give me a minute while I count the number of times I have started my sentences that way this week.

My days don’t always go as planned. When I open my eyes in the morning and anticipate the coming day, I have a set agenda in my head. I plan for my car to start and run properly, take my kids to school, get certain chores done, run specific errands, make a meal that I already prepped, and do the workout that was written on my calendar. Everything is planned to perfection.

Then, I barely hop out of bed and my plan is already being squashed. My car dies as I’m taking my kids to school, I now have to take it to get serviced. My son forgot his Chromebook at home, so I have to find a way to get it to him. Those chores I had planned to do are being pushed to the waste side and there is no way I’m getting those errands done today that badly needed to be done. Who knows if I will have time to make dinner, maybe I can pick something up on my way home from getting my car serviced? And forget working out today.

Maybe your day hasn’t turned out exactly like this, but I’m sure you’ve had days that are close.

If I’m honest with you, there are many weeks that I think there is no possible way I am going to have time to write a devotional to post on Thursday. I have writer’s block, my days get filled with unexpected circumstances, and I begin to question why God called me to do this. But without prevail, God makes a way every week.

There is a popular Christian song that reminds us that God is the Way Maker. Time and time again throughout history, we have seen how God has made a way in impossible circumstances. God has delivered His people out of slavery, parted seas, destroyed enemies, made nobody’s into kings and queens, healed countless people, rose from the dead, and that just names a few. The things we think are impossible are already being done by God. When we look at our future, it is a mystery, but it is not a mystery to God. No matter what is placed in front of you, He has already walked the road ahead of you. He knows exactly what you will need to fulfill the task.

I picture myself on a deserted road. My goal, obligation, or dreams are at the end of the road. I would think that all I had to do was walk this road and I would make it to my destination. Well, I look up and there is a huge boulder that is blocking my path. How will I get over it or around it?

What is your boulder?

Do you need God to provide a ladder to get over that boulder, produce a path on the side so you can walk around it, or do you need Him to completely smash that boulder into tiny pieces and you stomp all over it as you walk down your road?

Life does not go as planned, but we have a Way Maker on our side. God is doing a new thing in you and me and He will not allow it to be wasted. He is making a way on our journey called life. It’s a road that is bumpy and filled with potholes, thieves around the curves, storms in the distance that are approaching us, and boulders blocking our way, but God knows how to help us overcome every obstacle. When we see no way, He snaps His fingers, and a way is made.

Don’t get discouraged and defeated, look up to the God that provides for you and is your Way Maker.

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