Faith Like A Child

As I get my children ready for this upcoming school year, I feel a sense of urgency. There is not an urgency to get all the school supplies bought, all their clothes washed and hung so they’re ready for the first week, all the school forms filled out, and to do the last-minute fun summer activities; instead I feel a sense of urgency to pray.

God has been speaking to me lately about praying for our children. Every podcast I listen to tells me to pray, every book I read tells me to pray, and every song I hear tells me to pray. I teach my children to pray to God about anything and everything. I encourage them to ask God for anything and to trust that God will provide. Somewhere along the way, I lost faith in my prayers. I forget what I tell my kids and instead become jaded by the world. I try to handle situations myself instead of giving them to God first.

I want to share a story with you that I heard on a podcast recently. There was a little girl and a mom driving in their city’s downtown area. Their city had a large transient community, and the little girl had a heart for this group of people and wanted to feed them often. One morning, there was a particular homeless man standing on the corner and the little girl wanted to go to the bagel shop and get this man a coffee and bagel. So, the mom drove ten minutes away to the bagel shop. When they drove back to where the man was standing, he was gone. The mom just knew that they would not be able to find this man again but the little girl immediately began praying that God would lead them to him. The mom gave up on trying to find him while the little girl was praying out loud and the mom began taking the route to get back on the interstate. The little girl continued to pray, “Please God, help us find this man so we can feed him.” The mom pulled into the left lane so she could turn onto the onramp, and they looked up and there was the man. The mom said he was so close to their car she could have stuck her arm out and touched him. The little girl was thrilled to see him, and she told him that God wanted them to give him the coffee and bagel.

When I heard that story I began to think, “What makes us give up so easily on our prayers?” I would have been like that mom and thought that it was not earthly possible to find this one man in a big city. I would have thought it was not possible, but I would have also been too rushed to take the time to find him. The little girl took the problem to Jesus immediately and had faith He would provide.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I listened to this story of the little girl’s faith. Instead of worrying about my kids as they start a new school this year, make new friends, and navigate this change; I need to take all my concerns to God. I pray with them about whatever is on their minds, I need to have faith that whatever is troubling me can be given to God as well.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God.”

Philippians 4:6

This is a well-known verse that I grew up reading and hearing. Why have I forgotten it applies to me as well? Whatever gives us anxiety should be given immediately to God. We can share our requests with Him with thanksgiving because we have faith our requests are being heard and will be answered. This verse begins by saying, “The Lord is at hand.” He is just a single word away. Just calling out His name is powerful enough to stop our anxiety in its tracks. Then it goes on to say that by giving our requests to God, we will receive peace that surpasses all understanding. This peace will guard our hearts and minds from any other worry or fear through the power of Jesus Christ. Whatever is filling your thoughts with worry today, give it to God with faith like a child.

Digging Deeper:

Read Philippians 4:4-7

What area of your life do you need to have faith that God is hearing and answering your prayers?

How can you commit to restoring your prayer life?

What verse encourages you to have faith when praying to God? Tell us your verse in the comments below.

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