There Is Opportunity In Every Season

A new season is approaching, fall. I love all the seasons, but fall is one of the best. The color of the leaves, the crisp morning air, and watching football on the back deck with something smoking on the grill. With all my favorite things happening, it’s also a very busy time. School, soccer, dance, piano lessons, Bible studies, baseball, and all the fun get-togethers are happening as well. My intentionality can get lost in all the hustle and bustle.

I can begin to see all the fun things to do as unending chores. Our family’s busy schedule quickly begins to feel like school mornings full of chaos and arguing, early morning Saturdays to get to the soccer field, countless hours cleaning the dirt off the back deck, and a non-stop supply of leaves in need of raking. I lose all the joy in life and lose my focus on the fact that everything our family does is an opportunity to worship God and spread the gospel.

“The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:56-58

In everything, the victory is ours because of Jesus Christ; and because of this, we are to go through our day with thanksgiving and perseverance. We are to not forget that everything we do is an opportunity to do good for God.

On the soccer field, my actions and my speech can show God’s love and kindness to someone I just met. As I help my children get ready for school in the mornings, I can encourage them to glorify God throughout their day. I can invite my neighbor to church with our family as we talk while we rake leaves out of our yards.

No matter what we do or how busy our lives become, God always gives us opportunities to be His hands and feet. What we think is a mundane task could change the life of someone around us by our actions. Because of that, we are to remain steadfast, immovable, and always excel without grumbling. You never know when you could be impacting someone around you and bringing them a little closer to Christ.

So, with all the excitement of the new fall season approaching, let’s begin it by setting our intentions for the season. We will not grow weary when the busyness sets in, we will be steadfast and immovable as we share Jesus with those around us.

Digging Deeper:

How can you be more intentional in remaining steadfast through this busy fall season?

Where in your busy schedule do you need Jesus to come along side you and help you persevere through it?

How does the truth that we are already victorious because of Jesus Christ encourage you?

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